
Taking an active interest in your superannuation early is critical to ensuring you maximise the benefits of growing this important asset.
How much you need to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle in retirement will depend on things like your current assets and expectations of your lifestyle in retirement. Chances are your employer contributions may not be enough and you may need to look at additional contributions.


Superannuation is a valuable asset and can set you up for a comfortable retirement, however many of us put off consolidating or managing it, thinking it won’t affect us for many years to come.

What you should consider today is that the small changes you make now can have a big impact over the long term. This could include consolidating multiple super accounts into one fund, increasing contributions to your existing fund or shaking up your mix of investments for a better return.

Your Infocus Financial Adviser can take a look at your superannuation and guide you on the best strategies to grow your super for the retirement you deserve.
