Investing & wealth creation

Trying to figure out the best way to grow your wealth can leave you dazed and confused.

Shares, fixed income, property, alternative assets… you’ve heard the lingo but what does it all mean for you and growing your wealth? Your Infocus Financial Adviser has the knowledge and experience to empower you to make the best possible decisions about how to spend and invest your money. This will include regular reviews with you to ensure you're on track to achieving the freedom you've worked so hard for.

Investment strategies

Investing your money is a great way to grow your wealth over time. But navigating the best strategies, risks and mix of investments can be tricky. That’s why your Infocus Financial Adviser is ready to help you understand the best way to manage your money and grow it for the future. Not being aligned to any of the big banks or financial institutions, your Infocus Financial Adviser has access to investment products and services from all over the world. We keep you regularly informed to ensure your portfolio is working for you and helping you create a better future.

Wealth creation

The true purpose of money is to free you from worry and allow you to achieve your dreams.

From owning a home to saving for your children’s education, working towards the holiday of a lifetime or growing your nest egg for later in life, your Infocus Financial Adviser will help build your roadmap to wealth.


Gearing is a unique way to grow your wealth by taking out a loan for your initial capital. By borrowing, you can invest in higher value assets including shares, property or managed funds.

You may have heard a lot about ‘negative gearing’ recently. Put simply, negative gearing sees the costs of borrowing outweigh the returns you receive on the assets. Because these losses can be claimed against your taxable income, it can be a great way to start building your wealth.

This strategy is a higher risk strategy, so it’s worth talking to your Infocus Financial Adviser to see if this will work for you and your circumstances.
